While working as an agricultural mechanic, I enjoyed watching the changes brought by the maturing of crops in the fields.
Once the ground started warming in the spring, the farmer’s thoughts would turn to planting seeds in the fields. Often, when there were problems with the seeding equipment, the urgency to get it repaired was fairly low. As long as the seed could be in the ground within a day or two everything was okay.
As the crop grew, it would require attention. Possibly an application of insecticide or herbicide would be added to control hindrances to the crop’s growth and maturity. If the chemical is applied at just the correct stage of growth, it will be the most effective.
When the crop is fully mature, it is very critical that it is harvested immediately. If it is not harvested at the correct stage, the crop will not be worth as much when it is sold. There will be less profit for the producer.
This reminds me of the human race. When we are born into this world does not determine how we will leave this world. We start out to make our mark here like the seed that is planted. There is, “a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted” (Ecclesiastes 3:2).
As life progresses, we make various decisions that will affect our well-being. We decide where to go to school, which job to apply for, and whether or not we abuse our bodies with various harmful substances. These decisions and many more will impact our lives for better or for worse.
When it comes to the end of life, like the harvest, the effects of our decisions will be seen. If we made the decision to focus on ourselves and leave God out completely, He will have no choice but to ensure we spend eternity completely separate from Him. Make your decision to trust the Lord Jesus before it is too late.
Hebrews 9:27 tells us, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment”. By accepting the payment made by the Lord Jesus at Calvary’s cross, you will never see that judgment. You will spend eternity with a loving God in Heaven. May you never have to say these words,
“The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved!” (Jeremiah 8:20).
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