Reading through the articles in this magazine, I’m sure you will notice that many are related to road safety. It is important to have a road map for your journey through life. God’s Word, the Bible, is a trustworthy road map. If you are interested in your soul’s eternal welfare, the Bible has the answer.
Life is uncertain. Disasters happen unpredictably so you may not have time to prepare for meeting God when the unexpected happens. Now is the time to prepare for that meeting. Most of us realize that we are not good enough to measure up to God’s perfect standard as seen in the Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot steer your own way to Heaven. Your sins separate you from God unless you choose to accept the payment that the Lord Jesus Christ made for you on the cross. He paid for your sins Himself. There is nothing left to do except trust Christ as your own Saviour and Lord.
The front cover of this magazine is to remind you to stop and think about where you are going. God’s timetable for this world is nearing completion and Christ’s return is imminent. Be ready!
To read Issue 53 in it’s entirety, feel free to download it at no cost to you. Download Vol 53
Saved Twice
It had rained heavily all morning but had started to clear in the afternoon as Malcolm Pelley, his wife Grace, and several friends left their RV to go bakeapple picking in the Eddies Cove area of Newfoundland. Berries were scarce and Malcolm began to wander across the barrens. He became so engrossed with looking for bakeapples that he didn’t realize how fast the evening passed.
Are You Locked-In?
Mike Dils, at the age of 64, suffered a terrible stroke that left him on a ventilator, unable to move, breathe or speak on his own. He was totally paralyzed. Mike’s family was told by the doctors that there was nothing they could do. His family struggled with whether to sign a ‘do not resuscitate’ order.
The Alaska Highway
In 1942, after struggling with problems that were unimaginable, costs that were horrendous, and obstacles which seemed to be insurmountable, Canada and the United States of America completed the Alaska Highway linking the two countries together. Most of the work was completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers because it was thought that the road would be necessary for military purposes.
We live in a time when people are extremely health and body conscious. The existence of health spas, gyms, fitness equipment, and the increase in health care budgets, all testify to this; as does the unprecedented interest shown in diet, vitamins and other supplements. Legitimate concern about cancer causing environmental agents and extensive press coverage of new medical discoveries, are evidence of our age-old desire to live longer.
But surely our priorities are out of order?
Road Safety
Our city has installed a few roundabouts to keep traffic moving safely through intersections. While roundabouts are very common in Europe, they are not as common in North America. This is very apparent when you watch the actions of some of my local drivers. Many seem to be unaware of the correct procedures. My trips to and from work are often an adventure!
Wondering about Christians who Crash?
It’s not a family secret. The entire world knows that some very public figures who identified with and promoted Christianity and preached from the Bible have crashed and burned just like a high-flying aircraft.
Questions flood our minds.
Road Signs from the Word of God
Some road signs can make us think about some verses from the Word of God…
You’re One of a Kind
There’s no one in the whole world just like you! You don’t need to wear a costume or do anything different to be one of a kind. You’re already special and unique, every day of the year.
Don’t Miss It
No one likes to miss something. If we’re traveling, we hate to miss a flight, a bus, or a train. Athletes lose sleep over the dropped ball, the missed kick, or the shot that came up short. For hunters and fishermen, there’s nothing worse than the one that got away!
Two Ways: a 9/11 story
No one likes to miss something. If we’re traveling, we hate to miss a flight, a bus, or a train. Athletes lose sleep over the dropped ball, the missed kick, or the shot that came up short. For hunters and fishermen, there’s nothing worse than the one that got away!
Disaster: Who is to Blame?
When Hurricane Katrina’s storm surge broke through the levee and flooded New Orleans, devastating the city, who was to blame?
Blame is a heavy load to carry, and apparently there is enough of it to go around whenever there is a disaster. It is an all-too-human trait to want to pass blame around as much as possible in deep hardships…
The Worst One of All!
He was the last person you would expect to be called a sinner. And definitely not the worst of sinners! He was the kind of model citizen that impresses people with their commitment to doing what is right. From the day he was born, he was raised to be a good, devout person, and someone who did all the things that pleased God. So, what happened? How could he look at his life and say, “I am the worst of sinners”?
Conversion in a Chevy
My salvation story by Al Christopherson
For 18 years of my life, growing up on an Iowa, USA farm, Satan had me convinced the attractions of the world and its many bright lights would eventually bring satisfaction. But in the words of Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap”, I truly had been deceived.
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