Inner Cavity Discovered

viaadminVolume 48

Most major news media covered the intriguing discovery of a large cavity inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.

Even without such a discovery, this pyramid is always newsworthy. It is the last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still standing.

Scientists, using an advanced imaging method, detected a large and mysterious internal structure inside the monumental tomb built around 2560 BC during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu. The 30 metres (100 feet) long ‘cavity’ or ‘void’ has archeologists searching for clues as to the purpose of the cavity and what it might contain – if anything.

The Great Pyramid, looming alongside other large pyramids, is a towering achievement, remarkable for its simple beauty and colossal grandeur. The emblem of one of the great civilizations of antiquity.

That cavity in our chests, that barrenness at our core, that void in our centre is the place where the heart once beat and which love once occupied
The void is the first large inner structure discovered within the 4,500-year-old pyramid since the 1800s—a find made possible by recent advances in high-energy particle physics. Egyptologists and archaeologists have known about other corridors and rooms and contents inside the Great Pyramid – but this cavity came as a complete surprise.

Every time I read about a cavity or a void inside, I think of the late Michael Jackson. Externally, he climbed in fame and towered over other celebrities. Who would have thought that, covered up inside, was something of which he was painfully aware!

Michael Jackson made a rare speech at the prestigious Oxford University. As he spoke about greed and success, he said: “Generation “O” let us call it, … has now picked up the torch from Generation “X”. The “O” stands for a generation that has everything on the outside – wealth, success, lavish clothing and showy cars, but an aching emptiness on the inside. That cavity in our chests, that barrenness at our core, that void in our centre is the place where the heart once beat and which love once occupied.

Michael Jackson made his millions; collected his Grammys; travelled the world; wowed his fans; built his Neverland – yes, he had many things on the ‘outside’ – but who would have guessed that he was keenly aware of a massive, aching, empty cavity inside? He is now in eternity.

The greatest discovery related to The Great Pyramid since the 1800’s was this large gaping void inside. But the greatest personal discovery in one’s life is the discovery of the inner void – the cavity and how to successfully fill it. People run from the discovery. They deny the ‘why’ about the cavity’s existence. They keep running from their Creator – God.

People jam-pack their lives with activities, pleasures, accomplishments and advancement. But the gnawing inner void at the core of their being, relentlessly craves to be filled. Sadly, many in despair, live wasted lives and often short ones. When they exhaust all their options of filling the cavity, they turn to more self-destructive behaviour.

Perhaps you have never thought of your unsettled, restless and discontented feelings as an inner void. But now you know what it is. Without God embraced at the core of your being, you will always have a void. The God-sized hole at the core is a very accurate portrayal of people who are trying to live with God outside – with Jesus Christ outside, as opposed to inside.

The Holy Bible tells us humans were designed with an inner capacity to enjoy an intelligent and fulfilling relationship with God. Sin destroyed this relationship. Sin caused this disconnect
with God and created the inner void. The big story of the Bible is God’s incredible and amazing response to our sin. He loved us and sent His Son from Heaven to be our personal Saviour. Jesus died here on this planet – on a cross on the outskirts of Jerusalem.

The Bible says: “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). A Christian (an authentic one – not a nominal or ritual one) is one who has had a precious moment in their life, when they had their inner cavity filled-up with the love of God. Of Christians, the Bible says: “the love of God has been poured out in our hearts….” (Romans 5:5).

Will you open-up and allow the Holy Spirit to pour into your inner cavity the love of God and experience the joy that only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can bring?


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