Volume 41

Via Magazine would like to present you with the answer to your personal and spiritual needs – Jesus Christ.


With Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour:

  • We become children of God.
  • We are moored to the Rock that will hold us safely in any storm or strong current of life.
  • We are given a peace that passes our understanding.
  • We discover God’s goodness greatly exceeds our expectations.
  • We know our sins are forgiven.

We cannot steer our own way to Heaven. Our sins separate us from God forever unless we choose to accept the payment that the Lord Jesus Christ made for us on the cross, when He paid for our sins Himself. He is the door to Heaven and to a complete and fulfilled life on earth.

It is important to read the Bible for yourself. All of the Bible quotations used in Via are from the New King James version. Find out God’s message to you and treasure it in your heart. Look for the hidden ‘heart’ in the magazine.

If you have any unanswered questions, please write to us. We always enjoy hearing from our readers.

To read Issue 41 in it’s entirety, feel free to download it at no cost to you. Download Vol 41

Asleep in the Boat

Years ago a young guide at Niagara Falls had nothing to do, so he moored his boat well above the cataract, lay down in it and fell asleep. He thought he had tied the boat securely, but with its constant swaying the knot came undone.

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Evidence of Love

When Prince William wanted to demonstrate just how deep his love for Kate Middleton was, he gave her the most meaningful and precious gift he could ever give.

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The Grandest Ship Afloat

The beginning of the 20th century saw many new British passenger liners entering service. Each one seemed to be larger, faster and more luxurious than the one that had gone before, until there was the biggest and grandest of all the ships, the Titanic!

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World Peace – Pursuing an impossible dream?

Iraqi war protesters, hippies, and peace movements represent only a handful of the billions of people who yearn for a world where peace reigns.

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Apple’s Founder saved by a Death

The beaming face of Steve Jobs was the focal point on the stage in San Francisco. The founder and former CEO of Apple Inc. was greeted by a standing ovation as he appeared at his company’s annual media event.

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Horace the Cow?

Horses and cows wandered around the pasture, grazing on the plentiful grass. One particular horse, Horace, took time each day to watch what was going on around him.

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Dear Teenager:

I would like to express my sympathy and concern for so many of you who are encountering difficulty in the pursuit of your chosen field of education and employment.

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Have you found the Ancient Door?

We normally take doors for granted but recently construction workers uncovered a remarkable door in Zurich, Switzerland. No one was looking for it, but it was found. Archaeologists believe the door is one of the oldest ever to be discovered in Europe.

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From Darkness to Light

The story of the Chilean miners trapped underground for more than two months captivated the world. People checked the news daily to discover the latest developments. I was glad to hear that the 33 men were given Bibles to read.

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Buried Alive

Iraq-based American truck driver Paul Conroy is attacked, and then finds himself buried alive in a coffin, six feet underground. Using his mobile phone, he begins to call his list of contacts to tell them he is alive and to beg them to locate him.

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Grand Canyon Long Jumpers Would Perish!

Imagine a long jump competition held at the world famous Grand Canyon. Two star athletes agree to participate. Together they stand at the breathtaking precipice.

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Looking Forward to my Heavenly Home

I was born and raised in a home where I was blessed with God-fearing parents, two brothers and a good church community. We lived in the countryside, so I had plenty of space to roam and explore. I had a wonderful childhood.

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Sure Entry

In February 2010, ten American volunteers went to Haiti to offer their assistance. Jim Allen was a last minute addition to the group. He was invited by his cousin and his cousin’s son to go along to help the earthquake ravaged people.

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You Are Not Alone

Sometimes we get the feeling that we are alone with our troubles in the world. We worry about what is going to happen next. These are not new feelings. In 1 Kings the prophet Elijah acted in a strong and brave manner for God one day, but felt alone and feared for his life the next.

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God is not a Vending Machine

Vending machines are simple – drop in a few coins, get your drink or treat, turn your back and walk away. You do your part, they do their part and everybody is happy – except when they don’t do their part.

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